QA testing services for any software

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Get QA support from QA SmithySoft®

migration to end-to-end

automated testing provides

25%cost savings

19%increase in speed-to-market

Taking a fresh look at quality engineering

If your software works on it, we can test it

Our approach goes beyond the limitations of automation and offshoring to give you authentic input and insight from real people in real-world settings.

The QA SmithySoft® team always estimates software from an end-user perspective so you can spend less time on customer support.

Service solutions

icon web up testing

web up testing

icon qa audit and consulting

QA Audit and Consulting

icon desktop app testing

Desktop App Testing

icon testing solution

Testing Documentation

icon mobile app

Mobile App Testing

icon manual testing

Manual Testing

icon automated testing

Automated Testing

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Galina Berezina

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Igor Bilan

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